Parametric study on the alkaline pretreatment of Adlai stalk (Coixlacryma-jobi L.) using sodium hydroxide




Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Butch G. Bataller


Alkaline pretreatment of adlai stalk using sodium hydroxide was investigated. the parameters studied were NaOH concentration, temperature and resistance time. After pretreatment, the solids fractions were dried then weighed to obtain total solid recovered. The sugars from the dried fractions were then extracted using 80% (w/v) aqueous ethanol and the extract's total and reducing sugar concentrations were then measured. Using the measured data, solid recovery and α-cellulose recovery were determined. Three-way ANOVA at 95% confidence level is used to determine significant effects of the parameters on the solid recovery and α-cellulose recovery. It was found that high solid recovery is attained at low NaOH concentration, at low temperature and longer residence time while high cellulose recovery is attained at high NaOH concentration, high temperature and shorter residence time. And interactions between parameters for both responses were found to be insignificant. the highest solid received was 50.83% (w/v) and for the cellulose recovered is 88.14% The minimum and maximum cellulose recovered potentially produced an ethanol yield of 12.89mL ethanol/100g Adlai stalk and 15.33 mL ethanol/100g Adlai stalks, respectively.




UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2013 E62 /J85

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