Increasing the sell-in volume of liquor and non-alcoholic beverage products of modern trade key accounts executive of KAG-GSMI Cainta, Rizal, Philippines through worker efficiency improvement




Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Diana Marie R. De Silva


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


This manuscript presents how to sell-in volume of liquor and non-alcoholic beverage at KAG-GSMI are increased by performing worker efficiency improvement on its Key Accounts Executives. Based on the company's historical data, it was observed that the KAEs do not meet their target SIV, which is due to the unmet number of accounts visited by each KAE. The number of accounts visited by each KAE are vital to the company, since Ginebra needs to produce good quality products, as well as deliver such products to its customers to ensure business continuity. The visits must be done regularly by the KAE in order to create a good customer-supplier relationship between GSMI and the account. However, the stud shows that the mean difference between actual and target SIV of (18,383.30) which is caused by the existence of non-value adding non-essential activities, as well other sources of process inefficiencies. Stopwatch Time Study is used to determine how long it will take a KAE to finish each process. Simultaneously, Work Sampling is conducted in order to determine the productivity of a KAE. Root-cause analysis was performed to further analyze the system. It was determined that the unmet SIV of liquor and non-alcoholic beverages was attributed to the unmet number of accounts to be visited. With these results, certain controls and solutions have been devised to deal with the root causes. Particularly, proposed solutions are installation of employee monitoring application on the smartphone of each KAE, provision of templates that can be used to create reports, strategic preparation of the workplan, conduct of preventive maintenance on vehicles, and enforcement od 8 supermarket and 16 convenience store accounts to be visited. With this, the study has achieved its primary objective of increasing the sell-in volume of liquor and non-alcoholic beverages.




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LG 993 2015 E66 /B84

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