Benchmark study of the proposed shuttle service system as partial mode of transportation for UPLB




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Perlie P. Velasco


University of the Philippines--Los Baños houses a diverse and heavy population especially from the science community. Due to this transportation problems arise such as congestion and oversupply of vehicles. A shuttle system was proposed in order to supplement the current traffic condition of the university. Passenger demand was observed and analyzed to determine the burden that the shuttle service will accommodate.Subsequently, both peak hour and peak hour factor were determined. Two routes were proposed that will serve as the routes for the shuttle transit system: Two routes were proposed that will serve as the routes for the shuttle transit system: Forestry route and Pili Drive route. On the other hand, the current Kaliwa and Kanan routes were set as the jeepney route. A simulation was made to imitate shuttle transit system. Travel time measurement was executed to quantify the capacity of the proposed system by identifying the temporal factors affecting traffic. It was done simultaneously with on-board intercept and boarding and alighting survey. The ridership's characteristics and behavior were identified from the on-board intercept survey while percentage of boarding and alighting was obtained from the latter survey. From the data collected, an equation was derived and modified from previous studies to calculate the number of operating shuttle units per route also calculated to give an average PUJ volume in the campus recommended to simultaneously operate with the shuttle service system. The headways were also computed for each route per time period. Finally, a shuttle transit design was formulated.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E63 /C39

Document Type


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