Level of service analysis of C-3 segment and macarthur intersections of the proposed elevated expressway project in Valenzuela City, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Perlie P. Velasco


The continuous stream of cargo trucks coming from the port of manila creates unnecessary traffic due to the trucks mixing with the private vehicles from Valenzuela City to the other parts of Metro MAnila. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) proposed a project to decongest the traffic situation in Valenzuela City and NLEX. The porject is composed of two phases; Segment 9 and 10. Segment 9 is designed as a 2.4 kms expressway while segment 10 is designed as a 5.65 km elevated expressway. The construction of Segment 9 has proven to alleviate the congestion from the surrounding roads and intersection based on the study of Vivar (2014) through LOS analysis. The same method is used in SegMent 10 in analyzing the traffic congestion of its affected roads and intersection. The C-3 Segment showed an improvement of LOS from LOS D to B however the MacArthur Intersections has shown a decline from LOS B and A to LOS C. Although this happen, the project successfully decongested C-3 Segment while main taining acceptable LOS thus making the project successful.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2015 E63 /M36

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