Phase load balancing of feeder 16 of the distribution system of Bohol I Electric Cooperative (BOHECO I) using modified greedy algorithm and minimization of the sum of currents




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Power Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Roderick L. Catriz


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Lateral phasing is one method used for phase balancing. This study aims to improve the unbalance in the root bus of Feeder 16 of BOHECO I. Only the single-phase loads with a three-phase supply are considered in accordance to the Clause6.2 of the Electrical Energy Code. A modified Greedy Algorithm and the minimization of the sum of the neutral, zero sequence and negative sequence currents were used in this study. The total loads on each phase were balanced first. After 19 trials, the tpotal loads on each phase were almost equal to 1787.36 kW. Also, the phase unbalance index (PUI) was computed where the desired PUI should be less than 10% in order for the feeder to be considered free from unbalance flows. The minimum sum of the neutral, zero sequence and negative sequence currents for these steps were computed which resulted by moving Q05210 -231-143 from phase BN to CN, Q05215-231 from BN to CN , and Q06415-498 from BN to AN. The sum of these currents is 3.23<66.02°A with a PUI equal to 9.00%. This study concluded that the use of a modified Greedy Algorithm and the minimization of the sum of currents, a method of phase balancing, improved the feeder by ensuring that the unbalanced current is within the maximum allowable value.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E64 /C53

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