Productivity assessment of precast concrete elements of Megawide Construction Corporation using data envelopment analysis




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Kimjay M. Lamar


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Precast construction is a construction method that uses prefabricated structural members. It features faster construction which is highly dependent on the production speed of the structural members at the precasting plant and the delivery schedule of the precast members needed at hte site. The production speed is highly affected by the production efficiency in terms of the number of workers and machineries used. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to determine the production efficiency of the half-slabs, flat walls, and non-flat walls made by Megawide Construction Corporation. DEA is a technique based on linear programming used for the analysis of different organizations with multiple inputs and outputs which explores the idea of relative efficiency between production methods of different companies. It was found out that the observed current manpower allocation and machine usage of the company was not as efficient as they were reported to be. It was also shown that there were too many workers allocated for the non-flat wall production. Based on the total man hours and machine hours allotted for the production of each member type, it was determined that the non-flat walls being considered as manually made were efficiently produced than the half-slabs which are considered machine made.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2016 E63 N47

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