Analysis on adding a 10MVA substation in the distribution system of Cebu III Electric Cooperative (CEBECO III), Toledo, Cebu, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Major Course

Major in Power Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Roderick L. Catriz


Restricted: Not available to the general public. Access is available only after consultation with author/thesis adviser and only to those bound by the confidentiality agreement.


Electric utilities are asked to plan ahead to meet the increasing demands in an optimal manner. Cebu III Electric Cooperative (CEBECO III) is planning to install a 10 MVA substation in Pinamungahan, Cebu. This study aims to analyze the addition of a 10 MVA substation in its distribution system. This existing feeder that would be transferred to a new substation needs to be separated into two due to the topology of the load points and the location of the substation. No additional feeder network was added since the new feeder system was using a conductor size capable of handling total capacity of the Pinamungahan substation. The two feeder system has a tolerable percent voltage drop of 7.35%, a voltage unbalance of 2.28%, and percent total technical losses of 4.67%. However, based on the PUI, the distribution system was extremely unbalanced, reaching a maximum PUI of 36.78% which exceeds the tolerance level of 10% PUI. Comparing the new system to the existing distribution system, the study discovered that although some bus loads experience negative effects after being relocated to the new substation, the system as a whole has benefitted greatly in terms of its steady state power quality. The voltage drop was greatly reduced by as much as 12.59% in some buses. While voltage unbalance occurred when connected to the Toledo substation, connection to the new system did not produce voltage unbalances over the tolerance level of 2.5%.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E64 /M35

Document Type


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