Effectivity of the different antimicrobial combinations with or without adsorbent against Echerichia coli challenged 30 day old pigs




Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Joseph P. Olarve


Amadeo A. Alcantara


This study was conducted in order to determine the effectivity of antimicrobial combinations with or without adsorbent against scouring, which is common in weaned piglets. There were five treatment groups, treatment one which was the control group, treatment 2, a new drug formulation was a combination of three sulfonamide drug, treatment 3 which was one sulfonamide drug, treatment 4 which was a combination of apramycin and attapulgite, and treatment 5, a combination of neomycin, kaolin and pectin. Thirty pigs aged 30 days old were randomly distributed to five treatment groups, and each treatment groups had six replicates. Pigs from treatments 2 to 5 were challenged with 5 mL of 9.8 x 108 of Escherichia coli, whereas treatment one was the negative control. When a type ?2‟ diarrhea and hair coat quality was recorded, treatments were immediately started by mixing the drugs with drinking water. Based on the results, all treatments were effective in treating scouring, however, treatment 2 which was a combination of three sulfonamide drug had the least number of days of recovery from the clinical signs, while treatment 4 which was a combination of apramycin and attapulgite had the largest body weight gain among treatment groups.




UPLB College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 V4 M66

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