Comparative study of acepromazine-propofol and xylazine-tiletamine-zolazepam as induction anesthetics in domestic cats (Felis catus)




Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Arville Mar Gregorio A. Pajas


Marco F. Reyes


The study was conducted to compare the clinical effectiveness of acepromazine 0.1 mg/kg - propofol 6 mg/kg (A) and 8 mg/kg (B) and xylazine 1 mg/kg - tiletamine-zolazepam 5 mg/kg (X) combination as induction anesthetic agents in cats. Sixteen apparently healthy, 1-2 year old cats weighing 1.8-4.2 kg were subjected to a within-subject design (1 week run-in period before treatments). Vital signs, reflexes and electrocardiograms were recorded every 5 minutes. Anesthetic effects on cats were analyzed using ANOVA with Tukey‟s HSD as post hoc test. Treatment A was observed to have the shortest anesthetic duration with the fastest sternal and standing recovery in cats. Moreover, absence of swallowing, anal and pain reflex was significantly shorter in A. Treatment X produced the longest anesthetic duration with cardiorespiratory depression. Absence of all reflexes except pupillary reflex was longer in the treatment. P wave duration and PR interval, although normal, were also observed shorter in Treatment X. The different anesthetic protocols were successful for anesthetic induction with Treatment A and B showing minimal adverse effects. Thus, acepromazine-propofol combination can be used as safer, alternative induction anesthetic agents for cats.




UPLB College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 V4 L46

Document Type


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