Formulation of an environmental anthropo-biocentric ethics principle




Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Nicolo M. Masakayan


This paper aims to formulate a synthesis between the concepts Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism, and Environmentalism by deriving the necessity of Environmental concern from a purely Anthropocentric perspective in Ethics (Human-centered) through the realization of a Biocentric necessity related to it (Life-centered). Consideration of Ethical acts will be analyzed based on that which enable these Ethical acts to happen. If Ethics would be traced to Aristotle?s Ēthica Nicomachēa then Ethical acts must concern human action alone, and this unique ability in turn is what differentiates man apart from other beings in the environment (Anthropocentric). But this distinction does not fully isolate man from the environment since according to Aristotle?s De Anima both humans and non-humans have a common attribute, the possession of Life (Biocentric), which is possible only if there is a sustainable and livable environment. If humans will preserve this attribute within oneself by devoting concern towards the environment, that which sustains an individual?s life, then the lives of other beings might as well be continued (Environmental). Ethicizing and even the existence of anyone who Ethicize will not be possible without the environment, thus environment-friendly acts should be considered Ethical, whereas environmentally detrimental acts should be considered unethical.




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LG 993.5 2015 P5 /L87

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