Identifying teaching strategies to address communication apprehension of SPCM 1 students




Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts


College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Janette Malata-Silva


This study sought to determine the level of communication apprehension of SPCM 1 students and to identify the teaching strategies used by speech communication teachers to address the communication apprehension of the students in a speech class. The results of the study showed that, among the students from the two SPCM 1 recitation classes who answered James McCroskey?s Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24), many of them were apprehensive on four communication contexts, which are group discussions, meetings, interpersonal communication and public speaking. Among the four communication contexts, a large number of students, 32 out of 36, were apprehensive to deliver public speeches, which are the core of evaluating the performance of the students in SPCM 1 classes. Despite the students apprehension in the four communication contexts, the overall level of communication apprehension of the 28 from 36 students was in normal level. This means that majority of the students were still able to manage the communication apprehension in a speech communication class. The teaching strategies to address the communication apprehension of students in a speech class were identified and obtained from the GE Reports and teacher interviews. Most of the teaching strategies used by the teachers to help their students manage their communication apprehension fall under Cognitive (strategies used to directly control the task at hand) and Metacognitive (strategies used to directly control the learning process as a whole) categories. On the other hand, based on the results of the student survey, the students mostly find the strategies from Metacognitive and Encouragement categories to be effective in helping them to alleviate or manage their communication apprehension.




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Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 M3 /P33


Major in speech Communication

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