Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis of Albay, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jedidiah Joel C. Aguirre


Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis is a fundamental tool for analyzing the threats posted by tsunami hazards to communities and is important in decision making regarding risk mitigation activities. This study focused on the earthquake-generated tsunamis where the data on earthquake occurrences were gathered from the earthquake catalog of International Seismological Centre. The records on the catalog comprised of 107 years from 1907-2014. The catalog was homogenized to moment magnitude, declustered to separate main events from dependent events and subjected to completeness analysis to correct the record. The thirty arc-second grid from General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean was used as bathymetric map for tsunami simulation. The tsunami sources identified in this study were East Luzon Trough and Philippine Trench. The recurrence parameters of each sources were determined and used to calculate magnitude probability density function. Unit source method was employed where the faults were discretized into smaller subfaults. The minimum magnitude considered was Mw 7.0 which corresponds to 40 km x 25 km size of subfaults. Tsunami generation and propagation was simulated using Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami model. Simulations were set to the size of subfaults with unit slip of 1 , on forecast points with 50-m and 100-m depth. The resulting wave heights were subjected to Green's Law to extrapolate wave heights at the shore. Hazard curves were generated to determine wave heights of tsunamis with return periods of 475,975, and 2745 years and annual rate of tsunamis exceeding 0.5 m and 3.0 m.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 E63 D56

Document Type


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