Analysis of programs affecting productivity of seaweed farms, Palawan, 2016




Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics


College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Ma. Eden S. Piadozo


The general objective of the study was to analyze the policies and programs affecting the productivity of seaweed farms in Palawan with the following specific objectives: a) describe the production and marketing practices of bench mark and typical farms in Palawan b) identify the different programs and projects that benchmark and typical farms had undertaken c) determine and access the profitability and productivity of benchmark and typical seaweed farms d) analyze the different factors that affect the productivity of benchmark any typical seaweed farms e) identify and determine the constraints that hinder the development of the seaweed industry in Palawan and f) provide policy recommendations that will improve the seaweed industry in Palawan. Primary data were gathered from 91 seaweed farmers in selected municipalities in Palawan. The study used descriptive analysis, stochastic frontier analysis, and cost and returns analysis. In comparing the benchmark and typical farms, it was observed that on the average, benchmark farms are older in age, greater in its household?s size, had greater number of years in school, more farming experience, had more trainings and seminars, devoted more labor in their seaweed farms, and have higher amount of capital in their farms. The results of the stochastic frontier analysis showed that the variable variety planted is statistically significant. As for the technical efficiency, the variables that were found to be statistically significant were age, household six, years in farming, credit availment, whether or not they propagated seedlings, trainings and seminars, devoted more labor in their seaweed farms, and have higher amount of capital in their farms. In conclusion, a wide gap in terms of productivity and profitability continue to exist between benchmark and typical seaweed farms in Palawan. The projects implemented under the SDP had minimal impact in minimizing this gap and thus, had little effect on the development of the seaweed industry. There should be a holistic growth in the seaweed industry and this could be done if government institutions would create partnership with the business development service providers to provide loans for seaweed farmers. This would enable them to increase production by buying inputs such as good quality seedlings instead of propagating old seedlings. The biophysical conditions of the coastal areas per municipality should be considered so that trainings implemented would be suitable for the seaweed farmers in the different areas. Seminars should also encourage seaweed farmers to stop propagating seedlings that have decreased in quality and re susceptible to diseases.




UPLB College of Economics and Management (CEM)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 A14 G38

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