Corrosion damage measurement on reinforced concrete under chloride-contaminated media by impressed voltage technique and gravimetric method




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Nimfa Maren S. Tabucal


A study was made to investigate the effect of 3% sodium chloride concentration-a representative salinity of sea water to the corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in environment with and without chloride. This was done by accelerating the process through Impressed Voltage Test (IVT) and conducting weight loss analysis. Combinations of mixing and immersion media considred in this study were normal-normal water (NN), normal sea water (NS), seawater-normal water (SN), and seawater0seawater (SS). Results showed that corrosion current curvesm corrosion rate, gravimetric mass loss, the average and maximum current passed in the reinforcement samples can be arranged in a decreasing orderof magnitude as SS,NS,SN, and NN. Incorporating chloride in the mix, regardless of its environment, was found to cause rapid crack development in concrete. This study also demonstrated that pure water tend to impart inhibitive property on steel and slow down corrosion damage. Statistical analysis suggested that the presence of chloride had no influence on the outcome of percent mass loss with respect to the control sample, which was attributed to the variability of corrosion current activity, as well as development of non-uniform pitting corrosion.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2016 E63 B46

Document Type


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