Milk and milk products consumption potential in the UPCA campus and Los Baños, Laguna




Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Major Course

Major in Animal Science


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Dalmacio A Cruz


William J. A. Payne


A survey of the consumption potential for milk and milk products was conducted in Los Baños and in U.P. College of Agriculture campus, Laguna in 1965. One hundred eighteen households were made subject of the study.

For both areas of study, the DTRI delivery jeep was the most important retail outlet for fresh milk and grocery stores in Los Baños, for liquid canned milk. Households within the UPCA campus purchased a greater volume of the commodity than those in the Los Baños area. Variation in the weekly purchases of milk and milk products, by income class, was more pronounced on the UPCA campus then was between the same income groups for the Los Baños area. The frequency of the purchase of milk and milk products by the households in Los Baños and the UPCA campus varied from daily to monthly. Weekly purchase of milk products was particularly popular among households in both areas of study.

The daily consumption of milk and milk products per member of the households surveyed decreased as the size of household increased. But consumption increased as household. Educational attainment of the homemakers was directly associated with consumption of milk per household.

Fresh milk was more popular among households on the UPCA campus than in Los Baños. For both study areas, locally produced or manufactured milk and milk products were preferred by a majority of the respondents. Households in Los Baños and UPCA campus expressed preference for carabao's and cow's milk, respectively. Waxed carton containers were preferred in both places of study. Majority of the homemakers in Los Banos area would rather pick up their fresh milk supply from grocery stores. On the other hand, those in the UPCA campus wanted their milk supply delivered to their residence. Almost all the homemakers in both areas of study were aware of the necessity of milk in the diet and the inadequacy of its supply.




UPLB Main Library Special Collections Section (USCS)

Call Number

LG 993. 5 1966 A5 A72

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