Comparative physico-chemical, antioxidant activity and methanol content of duhat (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) wine using manual and pulping machine for fruit juice extraction




Bachelor of Science in Food Technology

Major Course

Major in Food Science


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Dizon, Erlinda I.


Two extraction methods, manual and automated pulper, for duhat fruit juice extraction were compared with regards to their effects on the physico-chemical, antioxidant activity and methanol content of the wine. The juice was divided into two (2) portions representing manual (T1) and pulper machine (T2) method of extraction then both treatments were diluted with water (1:2; pulp:water), adjusted to 20°Brix sugar content and fermented for 4 weeks using Saccharomyces ellipsoideus. Physico-chemical, antioxidant activity and methanol content of newly harvested wines after 8 weeks aging of were evaluated. Consumers’ acceptability of the products was likewise conducted. Except for pH values, results revealed that pulper extraction method gave slightly higher total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA) and alcohol content compared to manual extraction. The differences on the physico-chemical characteristics are attributed to the degree of maceration of the pulp. In terms of antioxidant activity, the non- site specific had higher activity compared to the site-specific deoxy. The pulper machine efficiently removed and separated the skin and flesh from the seeds resulting in higher amount of anthocyanins. The manual extraction method, on the other hand, produced wine with higher methanol content compared to pulper method. Wines from both treatments have methanol content lower than the acceptable minimum level of 200ppm. Significant differences were observed in the clarity and aroma of the wines while no significant difference observed on color, flavor and aftertaste. Furthermore, the overall acceptability of wines was not affected by the extraction method. Results suggest that either manual or pulper can be used for juice extraction of fruits for wine making.




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