Development of extruded food product from 'Saba' banana [Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana (ABB Group) 'Saba'] flour using village texturizer




Bachelor of Science in Food Technology


College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Rona Camille M. Lizardo


This study aimed mainly to produce an extruded food from ?Saba? banana [Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana (ABB Group) ?Saba?] flour using a village texturizer. Proximate composition, physico-chemical and functional properties of the flour and extruded product were determined. The extruded products were also subjected to sensory evaluation. The moisture, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract content of the flour were 7.06%, 2.25%, 15.21%, 9.05%, 0.64% and 65.79%, respectively. The bulk density, total soluble solids and pH of the flour were 0.55 g ml-1, 1 °Brix and 6.1, respectively. The flour exhibited the highest water holding capacity (6.33 g water g-1 dry sample) after incubation at 80°C. The resulting extruded products of varied initial MC (20%, 25%, and 30%) were found to have lower proximate composition as compared to the raw flour. Sensory evaluation using quality scoring revealed that the product with 20% initial MC had the highest mean scores for palatability, crispiness, flavor and general acceptability (p≤0.05).Results showed that ?Saba? banana flour can be processed into an extruded product with acceptable properties using a village texturizer.



Call Number

LG 993.5 2014 F61 /T46


UPLB Main Library Cataloging Section

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