Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis of Batangas, Philippines




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Jedidiah Joel C. Aguirre


There are three major seismic sources in the Philippines namely, the Philippine Fault, Philippine Trench and Manila Trench, the latter two of which are formed by subduction (Torregosa et al.,2001).. Figure 1-1shows the active faults and trenches in the in the Philippines (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology [PHIVOLCS], 2008). Subduction zone are known to be the sources of earthquakes which causes the movement of the ocean floor. The vertical displacements caused by these seismic movements are the primary reasons why tsunamis occur others are caused by volcanic eruptions and meteorites (Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], 2013). According to Bautista et al(2012),there have been 41 tsunami events recorded in the Philippines that are caused by earthquakes. The most recent incident of tsunami was due to a 7.7 magnitude in Guiuan Samar last August 31, 2012. Reports from affected areas validate the presence of tsunamis not greater than half a meter high (PHIVOLCS, 2012).Several earthquakes generated by the Manila Trench are capable of inducing tsunamis. One of these was the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that occurred on February 14, 1934. The epicenter was located about 150 km from the shores of Ilocos. Atsunami height of two meters was reported in the San Esteban (Bautista et al, 2012). Another highly destructive tsunami occurred after the Mindoro earthquake on November 15, 1994. The epicenter of this magnitude 7.1 earthquake was located 11 km N 22°W of Baco Mindoro. Vertical run-ups varied from as low as half a meter to nine meters high, with horizontal run-ups from four to 250m. Also weak wave oscillations were detected in Batangas Bay. A total of 62 people were killed,248 were injured, and 800 houses destroyed. (PHILVOLCS, 1994 Imamura et al., 1995).




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E63 /M67

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