Comparative study of the effectiveness of commercially available vibration dampeners in reducing transmitted hand-arm vibrations to operator of a diesel-and gasoline-powered hand tractor.




Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Haerold Dean Z. Layaoen


Hand tractors are among the major agricultural machinery used by Filipino farmers. Prolonged exposure to vibration from hand tractor may lead to the risk of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). This study compares the effectiveness of vibration dampeners available in the market when operating a diesel- and gasoline-powered hand tractor. The experiment was done in a stationary position based on the standards set by IS/ISO 5349:2001. The baseline measurements at 2100, 2700, and 3300 rpm are as follows: 6.60, 7.12 and 10.50 m/s2 for diesel-powered hand tractor, and 6.81, 4.65 and 11.04 m/s2 for gasoline-powered hand tractor, respectively. Combination of handle grips and engine mounts were tested to determine the optimal reduction of transmitted hand-arm vibration. The combination of BMX handle grip with mount model F5A has the highest percent reduction to the vibration by 35.23% (5.13 m/s2) when using diesel-powered hand tractor. Mountain bike handle grip with mount model F5A yielded the highest reduction by 52.29% (3.24 m/s2) when using gasoline-powered hand tractor.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993.5 2015 E66 /B56

Document Type


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