Preparation of reinforcing bar cutting list for reinforced concrete beam using application software




Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Adviser/Committee Chair

Kimjay M. Lamar


During the construction of SHORE Residences Project, DDTKI uses autoCAD for preparing cutting list of reinforced concrete and Microsoft Excel for the take-off of materials. Due to laborious and excessive use of time in doing the mentioned workd, a software is developed to prepare and image file of the cutting list and produced a spreadsheet for the take-off. Standard operating procedured of the company was adopted in constructing algorithms. Governing structural codes are studied and incorporated in the algorithm for compliance. The algorithms for laying out steel bars and computing the lengths are then developed into a software using Microsoft Visual BASIC 2010. The output of the software is tested by comparing it to the actual cutting list made by field engineers. Compliance to the code such as splice location and length is also observed and manually verified. The take-off is validated by inspecting the record of all bars and the corresponding cutting list. After comparing the actual cutting list and the output of the software, the efficiency of the software in terms of bar wastage decreases ad the length of the stretch increases due to the use of six-meter bars for very short bars and considering the rest of the bar as wastage. This is addressed by grouping together short bars that will be trimmed from a single bar.




UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT)

Call Number

LG 993 2016 E63 /H47

Document Type


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