
The Philippine Agricultural Scientist

Publication Ethics Statement

The Philippine Agricultural Scientist journal is indexed in Scopus, follows the guidelines and standards on publication ethics and malpractice statement.

Originality and plagiarism
Original works that has not been previously published. If the paper has already been published in a convention as proceedings, unless the submitted paper is substantially different from the one published in the proceedings.

The author assigns copyright ownership of the article, including rights to reproduce it in all forms and media, to the journal.

Authors’ responsibilities and rights
All authors should have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted. Each author certifies that they participated sufficiently in the study conception or design, data analysis or interpretation, and drafting or revision of the manuscript.

All author takes responsibility for the validity, integrity, and objectivity of the entire study.

An author with financial interest in or indebtedness to any commercial organization (employment, research grant, travel support, consultation fees, honoraria, equipment donation) must disclose the relationship in the acknowledgements section, if the manuscript concerns products or services of that organization or its competitors.

The authors reserve the right to make print copies for their own scientific or academic classroom use; the right to reuse figures and tables in articles published in other works or journal articles written by them; the right to post one PDF file on their own educational website after publication.